Choosing The Right Gift For Your Recipient
Choosing the right gift can be a little stressful. All those stores, with all the aisles and the endless options lined up on the shelves – sounds like a downright nightmare. But before you pull the sheets over your head, keep calm and read on. You don’t have to remember your brother’s favorite soccer team or your niece’s favorite color to achieve success. Check out these ideas and be proud of what you’re giving:
For him, you may be at a loss. You don’t want to get something lame, but you don’t want your gift to be totally serious either. Try taking the mullet approach: serious in part, but fun too. Think about what sort of hobbies he has and a gift that ties in with them. If he’s really into sports, try personalizing a baseball bat or getting a club engraved. And what guy doesn’t love beer? If he loves to kick back and relax, you can buy a basket full of tasty brews - like an
Around the World Beer Bucket
- for him to tryout. He’ll be delighted you’ve put so much thought into a gift that’s fun and practical.
She works pretty hard, huh? Listen closely: women love to be pampered. Try getting your lady a manicure, a
tea gift basket
, or a day at her favorite salon. And if you’re looking for something more traditional, think of a non-boring way to do it. Instead of gifting a diamond ring, get her a cocktail one she can wear out with the girls. Above all else, women love to feel unique and beautiful, so if you can’t think of anything, write those two words down and find something that embodies them.
Shopping for kids can be crazy. Think about what you liked when you were young. You don’t want them to enjoy the box more than the toy. And chances are, you didn’t always go crazy over the it toy anyway – so don’t fret trying to find one. Look for something colorful and classic. And if you can’t get to a toy store, candy will do just fine, especially if you’re not able to be present at the festivities.
Candy gift baskets
are just a click away.
We know that our grandparents will love whatever we give them because that’s what grandparents do. (They’re pretty awesome like that). But how about going above and beyond and making them really like their gifts. If you live far away, make their
fruit basket
even more awesome this year by getting one that’s gourmet and if you’re close, well, then you’ve got tons of options. Try planning an outing with them. Go see a play, have a picnic, or orchestrate a movie night with films that they love. Grandparents love spending time with you, so make a day special for both of you.
5. Consider Your Audience
Sometimes when we shop, we forget who we’re shopping for. We go into a store for a retirement gift and come out with a new outfit for ourselves. Instead of backtracking (and spending more money than you need to), try making a list of things you know the recipient likes and dislikes. After writing these down, you’ll have way better luck not only finding things for them, but things they’ll actually like.