You Sell and We Ship! is the gift basket drop shipper that makes it easy to expand your gourmet gift selection without all of the work! Grow your current gift offerings with our core catalog of upscale gift baskets, and we’ll ship them for you. Explore our premium gift selections to see why our gift baskets, cheesecakes, hand crafted popcorn, and baked goods are the perfect gifts for birthdays, anniversary, thank you, sympathy, holidays, and every occasion in between!
Put our 20+ years of gourmet gifting to work for you! As a family owned business, we understand the importance of providing quality gifts for all of life’s special occasions. As a drop ship partner, you will be able to offer our gifts without the hassle and cost of inventory management and extra work. Simply list our products for sale on your website, and we’ll ship them for you on our shipping accounts with the best rates. Our gifts always arrive in professionally sealed, branded boxes with customizable greeting cards, and we never include pricing or invoices.
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