Tropical Fruits to Put on your Grocery List
Variety is key to a balanced diet. You don’t want to overdo anything – and
fruits are no different. Sure, they’re way better for you than Twinkies, but
that doesn’t mean you should eat only strawberries everyday (even though you
might want to). Try switching up what fruits you’re eating with some of these
delicious tropical ones. Not only are they sort of exotic, they’re great for you
A great source of fiber, potassium and folate make these central Mexico natives
a great addition to your diet. You can add spices to them and make delicious
guacamole or just enjoy them as is (without the skin of course). They’re
jam-packed with over 1/3 the daily value of vitamin C and ½ the daily
recommended intake of vitamin K.
An apple a day? Are you sure? Because bananas are full of way more vitamins and
minerals. They’re stuffed with potassium, which is great for your brain and
usually, those of us who are stressed have a potassium deficiency. So packing
one for your morning commute isn’t a bad idea. And they make us feel good – not
just because we’re eating fruit instead of cupcakes – but because they have high
levels of a chemical called tryptophan, which our bodies convert into serotonin,
making us actually feel better.
More commonly known as Star Fruit, this Asian delicacy is subtly sweet while
still maintaining a tart taste. They’re often described as tasting like an
apple, pear, and citrus fruit all at once. Carambolas are rich in antioxidants
and vitamin C while low in sugar, sodium, and acid. Plus, they’re shaped like a
star, so they’re pretty cool.
For thousands of years, these colorful fruits have been cultivated in South
Asia. Like bananas, mangos are a great source of potassium, vitamins, minerals,
and fiber and have been recently linked to protect against colon, breast, and
prostate cancers.
These fruits are great – just ask Harrison Ford (he knows all about ‘em). As
Indiana Jones, he ruptured a disk and received papain injections, which
alleviate inflammation. Originally from southern Mexico, these fruits can
contain over 300% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C, help fight
against heart disease, and promote good digestion.
Besides being loaded with more vitamin C in one cup than an entire orange,
beautiful sweet pineapples offer plenty of other health benefits. They’re
fat-free, have nearly no sodium, and are the sole source of bromelain, an enzyme
that fights inflammation in the body.
Some people call it a miracle fruit, and they have good reason for it. These
ruby fruits of Greek legends are thought to help lower the risk of heart
disease, strokes, diabetes, and the development of Alzheimer’s. Plus, they’re
full of antioxidants and vitamins A, C, and E, so you can call them a miracle
fruit too, if you want.