holiday you celebrate, it’s certainly the season of giving and holiday tipping. Sometimes the question is not so much WHAT to get the people on your list, but WHO is on the list when you begin to compose one.
Holiday Tipping Guide
Who gets gifts during the holiday gift-giving season? People should give more abundantly when they have more abundance. If you have a personal lifestyle that includes a cast of extras, your list will be longer than the self-sufficient people who clean their own homes and cut their own hair. (I personally know only my own husband who cuts his own hair, a task that has required less expertise with the years).
Holiday Tipping: Who You Should Gift
Location, Location, Location...
Where you live is a determining factor. If you’re in a city apartment there might be a doorman and building superintendent whose good will you would certainly wish to cultivate. Tip $15 to $80.
Are You a “Regular?”
In a favorite restaurant or café, you might include a service person who always knows that you prefer a booth to a table and drink your coffee with lots of cream. A holiday tip of $20 to $50 is appreciated.
The Hairdresser
If you get your hair cut by the same person month after month (or year after year), she should be on a priority gift list. Giving the cost of one salon visit is customary. Divide that amount among the staff if more than one staff works with you.
Your Child’s Teacher
Some schools have a no-gifts policy, especially schools with a diverse economic population. Some schools have suggested “limits” about what can be given (hold those tickets for a Caribbean Cruise). Check to ensure that you’re following school rules. But yes, to show gratitude to someone who daily spends more time with your child than you do. The average gift card amount for a teacher is $20-$50. But this depends on your budget. This amount can be split among multiple teachers.
Your Child’s Coach
Yes, to someone who encourages good sportsmanship and also volunteers their time on weekends. A gift card in the amount of $20.
The Newspaper Delivery Person
For those who still get a newspaper at the door in the morning: think snow and sleet and the dark before dawn while you are still in bed. Yes. Tip $10 - $30.
The Massage Therapist
If you get this wonderful treat with some regularity, remember this person during the holidays. Be grateful that there is someone who can see you without clothes on and not pass judgment. tip $15 or more.
Cleaning Help
Yes, a gift is in order for anyone who has seen the inside of your refrigerator or the underside of your couch cushions and returns to your home. The rule of thumb is to tip the cost of one cleaning. Split into equal amounts if more than one cleaning person. A tip of $50 to $100 is standard.
Mail Carrier
My mail carrier (Greg) always rang twice when he left a package. He also came to my new home a couple of times just to make sure that I had filled out a change of address for everyone who needed it. I’d say that if you know your postal delivery person’s name, you should give a gift. Keep in mind that postal carriers cannot accept gifts over $20 and are not allowed to accept cash or gift cards.
Garbage Collectors
Is there a dirtier, more back-breaking, more necessary job? If you live in a private home and have the same people for the service, include them in your holiday gift-giving. Tip $10 to $30.
Who Else Should I Consider Gifting?
Average Gift Amount
- Accountant/CPA/Bookeeper: gift card
- Babysitters or Nannies: $50
- Coffee Shop Barista: $25 - $50, NOTE: Tips are pooled so it will be divided among the whole staff.
- Delivery Drivers: Up to $20
- Door Attendants & Building Managers: $20 - $80
- Landscapers: $30
- Neighbors: baked goods
- Pet Walkers, Sitters, & Groomers: Up to one week's pay
- Personal Trainers: Cost of one session
- Pool Cleaners: Cost of one session divided among crew
- Repair People: $20 - $100
So, what are you gifting to these folks this year? Cash? Home-made goodies? Gift card? A
gift basket? Well, that’s a blog for another day.
© Featured Photo by Lucie Liz from Pexels