The History of Mother’s Day in the United States

The History of Mother’s Day in the United States

Have you ever wondered about the history of Mother's Day? Each year, people worldwide dedicate one day to celebrating their moms. They send their mothers flowers and cards, take them out for dinner, and help with household chores. Although most people love and cherish their mothers all year, it’s nice to set aside a special day just for her. How did the holiday begin? Here’s a brief overview of how Mother’s Day came to be.

Early Celebrations

Even though Mother’s Day is a modern holiday, it began in ancient times. Each year, the Romans and Greeks held a festival to honor their “mother goddess,” who was referred to as either Cybele or Gaia, depending on the culture. In England, Mothering Sunday came about in the 16th Century as a way for children to return home once a year to visit with their mothers and attend their “mother church.” During this time, children often lived away from home to become domestic servants and apprentices and attend boarding schools.

Julia Ward Howe

Julia Ward Howe was the first individual in the United States to observe a form of “Mother’s Day.” Her motives were political. She is best known for writing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic,” which she composed during the Civil War. Julia also authored the “Mother’s Day Proclamation” in 1870 to communicate her views. She emphasized that true peace begins at home. As a pacifist saddened by war, Howe urged mothers to encourage their husbands and sons to “disarm” and renounce a life that fosters violence. In response to her proclamation, the city of Boston held the “Mother’s Day Peace Observance” on the second Sunday in June 1872. Other cities across the United States soon followed.

Anna Jarvis

Anna Jarvis is the official founder of Mother’s Day in the United States. Her activist mother used to tell Anna that she wished there was a day each year dedicated to honoring all mothers. When Anna’s mother passed away in 1905, Anna sought to fulfill her mother’s wishes. She began by honoring her mother’s church with carnations, her mother’s favorite flower. Realizing this wasn’t enough, Anna enlisted the help of others to petition the government to establish Mother’s Day as an official holiday. It succeeded! On May 8, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a resolution declaring that Mother’s Day would be celebrated on the second Sunday in May.

Because of people like Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis, mothers have a special day reserved just for them. Each year, mothers across the United States will be honored on the second Sunday of May. It’s time to make plans to help your mother feel like the special person she is!

Celebrate Mom

Now that you know the history of Mother's day, celebrate this day with mom by sending her a gourmet Mother's Day gift basket!
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