Every Care Package is Important

Every Care Package is Important

It is a huge morale booster when a soldier receives a care package. They are a great way to show a soldier how much you care for them and how thankful you’re for the sacrifice they are making for their country. I wanted to highlight this story I found about a Marine Mom and the special box they sent to Iraq.

Every Care Package is Important

The amazing story starts when one of the male soldiers receives a care package for a girl. The soldiers were making fun of him for receiving the gift and were having fun with all the items he received. When they were heading out on a mission, the marine that received the care package wanted to bring chapstick and lotion on the trip with him. He inadvertently grabbed tampons as well. At first, everyone teased him for bringing feminine hygiene products with him.

One Exemplary Story

That day, the convoy was ambushed, and one of the Marines was shot. He had a deep wound, and they were having trouble getting the bleeding to stop. Someone suggested they use the tampons to try and stop the bleeding. The tampon successfully slowed the bleeding in the wound, and the surgeon at their base later told them that they saved his life. The soldiers never joked about the tampons again and, in fact, now include them in their flak jackets and their first aid kit.
A mistake turned into an amazing story. You never know the impact of sending a care package to a soldier abroad.
© Featured photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels