Frequently Asked Questions
May I place an order without an account?
You sure can. Just sign in using our guest checkout.
How do I make an account?
Simply fill out your e-mail address and create a password.
I have an account, but forgot my password. What do I do?
It’s okay, it happens to the best of us. You can either use the link for “forgotten password,” complete your order through our guest checkout, or contact us during normal office hours.
What do I do if I forget my Login I.D.?
Just type in your e-mail address – they’re one in the same.
How do I change the information on my account?
After you log into your account, you can update any of your information any which way you choose.
If I don’t want to place an order online, can I call and place it over the phone?
Absolutely! We’d love to hear from you (it’s so much more personal). Just give us a call at 1-800-971-3711.
May I include a message with my shipment?
Of course you may, and we’ll give you 500 characters to do so.
Will the price of my purchase show on the packing slip?
No. We treat each order as though it’s being sent as a gift. That’s to say we don’t include any price or shipping information with our products.
Will I receive an order confirmation?
Yes. After your order is completed, you’ll receive an e-mailed receipt. Upon the shipment of your order, you’ll receive another e-mail that discloses your tracking information from FedEx or UPS.
Will I receive a shipping notification?
Yep. You’ll get an email right after it’s been shipped.
Can I check the status of my order?
Yes. We’ll send you a tracking number via e-mail after your order has been shipped, which you can use to follow its progress.
Do you charge sales tax?
Not a chance.
What are my options for shipping cheesecakes?
Baked goods are perishable. That said, we only allow a maximum of 2 days transit. If you would like a delivery date later than 2 days from when you purchase your order, we’ll just ship it out later.
Is it required to have a signature at delivery?
Not always. Obtaining a signature is generally up to the delivery driver’s discretion. If it’s in a safe locale (not getting rained on and out of plain view) they will leave the package for the recipient. If the driver thinks it’s not the greatest place to leave a package, they’ll leave a door tag with instructions for the recipient to contact them.
What are the cutoff dates for shipping during the holidays?
a. Christmas: Friday, December 23rd, 2012
b. New Year’s Day: Friday, December 28th, 2012
Do you ship outside the U.S.?
Unfortunately, we don’t. Since cheesecakes and baked goods are perishable, we are unable to ship outside of the United States.
Do you ship to colleges, universities, and/or hospitals?
We absolutely do, but we suggest that you plan ahead. Most of these locations require delivery to a mail room or loading dock, so it’s sometimes best to make the recipient aware of the gift.
Can I ship an order to multiple people?
When will my order be delivered?
We’ll make sure your order is delivered on the day that you select. We offer priority shipping where available, guaranteeing delivery before noon. All other deliveries are guaranteed by the end of the day desired.
What if I want my order to be delivered by a specific date?
You can easily select dates on our shipping calendar. If for some reason a day is unavailable, it will be grayed out.
What if my shipment is delayed because of the weather?
Unfortunately, we don’t have control of the weather, but we do offer a delivery guarantee. If for any reason your package is not delivered as scheduled, we’ll work with you to correct the issue to the best of our ability.
Do you accept credit cards with a billing address outside the U.S.?
Si. Oui. Ja. Yes.
May I pay for my order with multiple payment methods?
At this point in time, we are only able to take multiple payment methods over the phone. So if it’s something you’re interested in, give us a call at 1-800-971-3711.
How do you secure credit card information transmitted over the internet?
Because your security is important to us, we only process credit cards on our secure internal server. After the order is completed, we erase all credit card information. Period.
How can I contact Customer Service?
Pick up your phone and give us a call! (Just dial 1-800-971-3711.)
What if I am not completely satisfied with my order?
We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. So, if you’re not satisfied, give us a call and we’ll make sure we fix the problem. No ifs, ands, or buts.
What’s your privacy policy?
Click here to view our privacy policy.
What are the terms for use of your website?
Click here to view our terms of use.