Best Kids’ Toys That Have Withstood The Test of Time

Best Kids’ Toys That Have Withstood The Test of Time

If you are reading this, we know exactly why you clicked here. Because you are tired of looking at piles of toys that are rarely played with. And you are probably thinking you should have purchased toys that have withstood the test of time...
It doesn’t matter if you're 4 or 94 – playing has never lost its appeal. But, as you probably know all too well, not all toys are created equal. Just because they are trending and are the must-have toys of the season, doesn't always mean it's a toy you'll want to be searching everywhere to find for your kiddos. Like most parents, I've cringed as I've cleaned out my kid's room weeding through those "had to have" toys she couldn't live without but never or rarely played with. It was money I threw down the drain that could have been better spent elsewhere. If you are a parent, a grandparent, aunt, or uncle, I know you know exactly what I am talking about.

Toys That Have Withstood The Test of Time

So what toys should you not hesitate to buy your children or your friend's children? Classic toys that have withstood the test of time! Here’s a list of some of our favorites. Each one is immensely fun and worth spending your hard-earned cash on because we both know they will still be loved no matter what the "it" toy of the moment is.

Bicycle or Scooter

Radio Flyer tricycle, any bicycle with training wheels, a balance bike, wagon, or a Razor scooter. Your children may outgrow them, but will never tire of these outdoor mobility toys that have withstood the test of time.

Matchbox® & Hot Wheels® Cars

Since 1953 and 1966 respectively, these toy cars, trucks, planes, and more have delighted children everywhere. Made for speed, these toy vehicles were first introduced with rescue, city, and construction story themes. Today the themes are more varied and some can even be connected to your smart device!


Available in the US since the 70s, this Danish toy company has continuously positioned itself as one of the top toy manufacturers in the world, through its multiple versions and themes. Year after year this iconic toy has consistently remained one of the most popular toys, for both boys and girls.


The hot trend right now is slime, but Play-Doh has withstood the test of time as an imaginative toy with endless possibilities that comes in a multitude of colors. It can also be purchased on its own or as a themed set with design tools and can be molded into any shape your kids can imagine.


Although parents may not have always loved the iconic Barbie doll, Mattel has made a great effort these past few years to redefine this iconic doll's image. Once made with an unrealistically thin body, Barbie now comes in three different body sizes and ethnicities. For the first time, girls can find a Barbie that looks more like they do!
A few Barbie-themed toys have not changed. The Dream House has had a few modern updates (ie: Malibu Dream House) but the car looks similar to the Barbie Corvette we loved in the 80s. They also still sell Barbie horses that are very similar to the ones we had when we were younger!

Star Wars

This Disney toy and movie empire of action figures, plush, interactive toys, and more have been delighting children of all ages since 1977. Not just for boys, girls have equally loved this movie collection since the first movie came out in theaters. Whether they are a fan of the Dark Side of the Force or the Rebel Alliance, there is a toy from either side of this collection that almost every child will enjoy.

Sports Equipment

With so many tablets and television show distractions these days it has never been as important to encourage children to get outside and move. And with so many different sports to choose from, it probably won't be hard to find equipment for the sport each of your children loves.

Board Games & Cards

Twister, Monopoly, Operation, The Game of Life, Clue, Chutes & Ladders, Candy Land, Mouse Trap, UNO, Yahtzee, Scrabble, and more! What were your favorite board games as a child? I'm willing to bet, if you loved them, the kids will too!

Wood Blocks

I have yet to meet a toddler that doesn't squeal with satisfaction when they knock down a tower of blocks. Since there are hundreds of companies that manufacture these toy kits, they can sell for a wide range of prices but almost any set will do. Choose from unfinished wood blocks, painted wood, or mixed! Some are even plastic, but the sound the wood ones make when they bang together seems to please kids most.

Lincoln Logs

This STEM toy was invented in 1916 by John Lloyd Wright, son of renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright. It has withstood the test of time as a toy that is often handed down from generation to generation. If you're lucky, you might find a set stored in your parent's attic!

Crayola™ Crayons

Coloring has never been so popular and is an activity even you will enjoy doing with your children. With so many kids and adult coloring books on the market, you can never go wrong when you buy a colorful box full of Crayola Crayons!

Still Undecided?

Need more toy ideas? Our blog post Boy or Girl Toys is a great place to look! If you are looking for more classic toys that have withstood the test of time, find other ideas at the National Museum of Play.
So, the next time your children beg you for that toy, take a deep breath, count to ten, and think long and hard if this toy should make the cut. And if you feel we've left out a few of your favorites, feel free to leave a comment below!

About Us is a family-owned and operated small business, located in scenic Seacoast, New Hampshire. Known for our delicious gourmet gifts and, most notably, our Halloween, Christmas, and Easter gift baskets, especially our kids' Easter baskets! Many of us are also parents, so we've learned a thing or two (the hard way) about why we should buy toys that have withstood the test of time.
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