Facts About Strawberries

Facts About Strawberries

The strawberry is a delicious red fruit that is grown mainly in the United States, with Spain coming in a close second to production. Strawberries make a wonderful snack, a great addiction to a fruit salad, or as an ingredient in many recipes. They can also been used in many drinks, smoothies, alcoholic beverages, and kid’s drinks.

Strawberries have many different names in other countries. For example, the word is derived from “streawbergie", an Old English word.

Strawberry Recipes

Strawberries can be used in an abundance of recipes, from cakes, cookies, and drinks, to main dishes. They can be eaten just as a snack, or used as a garnish on dinner and lunch plates.

Strawberries are a very low fat food, and are rich in vitamins and minerals. They are high in fiber, Vitamin C, folate, and potassium. Eating strawberries have been found to reduce the risk of cancer, improve a person’s memory, and help those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.

Historical Facts

Strawberries were grown and eaten by the Romans as early as 200 B.C. Strawberries were thought to be an aphrodisiac in medieval times and were often served in soups to newly married couples at their weddings. They are still thought to be an aphrodisiac today.

Gardening Tips

Strawberries can be grown in many climates, and are excellent when fresh. They can be grown indoors and moved outside when the weather is right. Strawberry plants are also very beautiful and many people grow them in hanging planters to decorate their porches or homes. There are many varieties of strawberries that may be grown, and they are typically a hearty and easy-to-grow plant.

Strawberries are a wonderful fruit that both kids and adults adore. Grow your own or purchase fresh strawberries for a delectable meal or tasty snack.


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